Welcome to my page
I am currently playing AAU basketball in the summer of 2023, and moving into my Senior, Grade 11 year of high school in Toronto, Ontario. I have a passion for basketball, playing most of my life, and I have a goal of playing at the College / University level. This site has been developed to provide an overview of my achievements in basketball, and academics, and store highlights and full game footage.
As a basketball player, I pride myself on my defense, and competitive nature. I'm a strong point / shooting guard who can handle the ball, and make short, mid-range and 3-point shots. I love getting my teammates involved, and always look for the "best" shot on the court, rather than "my" shot.
As a student, I'm currently earning an 87% average (3.4 GPA). I enjoy math, science and media production.
As a person, I love spending time with my friends and family, and also work part-time in the summer as a sports camp counselor.

I attend high school in Toronto and graduated Grade 10, my Junior year with a 3.4 GPA.

Media & Videos
Full game, highlight videos and picture gallery found here:

Awards & Achievements
"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about"
Winston Churchill

"There are many people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do"
Derek Jeter

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